Sep 02.2024

LED Display for Retail Store

Types of Retail LED Displays

Benefits of Using LED Displays for Retail Stores

Case Studies: Unilumin LED Solution for Retail Stores

New Retail will Create an Incremental Market for LED Industry

The Trends of Retail LED Displays

In the past two years, the concept of "new retail" has swept across various industries. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people's attention to shopping has become more and more focused on the experience and feeling of the consumption process. In traditional retail stores, merchants use posters to promote marketing products. 


With the consumer’s aesthetic fatigue, the enhancement of consumption force and the diversification of brand competition methods, static advertisements can no longer effectively attract consumers ’attention. To change this situation, many businesses have introduced LED displays to stores. The display screen is used for the dynamic display of products and brand publicity. The store also deepens its brand image through the LED display screen and also increases the number of consumers. 


In recent years, new retail, as it has been introduced, will bring about a revolution in the retail industry. The retail industry has ushered in a new retail era. What will the advent of the new retail era mean for LED displays? How should screen companies take advantage of the time and tide of new retail?


If you have a retail store, you can use an LED display to attract prospective clients. Considering there are different types of LED displays, we’ll look into the outdoor, indoor, direct view 3D, and interactive displays. You can then decide which LED display for retail store suits you best, depending on your needs. We’ll also include case studies and trends revolving around the retail LED displays.


Types of Retail LED Displays


The different types of LED displays include:


1. Indoor LED Display


Indoor LED displays are meant for indoor use and are not necessarily waterproof. They have outstanding display effects and come in different forms that are appealing to the eye. Such displays can be used in superstores, hotel lobbies, commercial centers, and hospitals.


2. Outdoor LED Display


The outdoor LED display can be used to advertise your retail business outdoors. The technology used for these displays usually improves color softness and adjusts brightness with natural transitions. The screens come in different shapes and can be coordinated with different architectural environments. Outdoor displays can ignite a festive mood. They can also advertise products offered by the company while transmitting different pieces of information. Such displays are commonly used in advertising, construction, parks, and companies.


3. Interactive


Interactive displays are also referred to as interactive flat panel displays. They’re usually mounted on the wall to induce a spectacular visual appeal while manipulating on-screen data through digital touchscreen inputs. TV panels are interactive, and they come in different sizes. They’re suitable for a cooperative environment.


4. Direct View 3D


A 3D LED screen has 3D effects and can be seen using the naked eye, so professional glasses are unnecessary. The screen’s 3D effects are incredibly realistic and can display content perfectly, which means it will be easy to attract the attention of passersby. The 3D LED display doesn’t consume significant energy and can offer clear images and richer colors. The 3D LED screens are gaining popularity when it comes to advertising.


Benefits of Using LED Displays for Retail Stores


Retail LED screens help enhance the customer's experience and drive sales in the retail store. At some point, luxury and high-end retailers could only acquire LED displays since they were expensive. Currently, they’re more affordable, and they can be accessed by medium-sized and small businesses. Some of the advantages of acquiring LED displays include:


1.Increased Brand Awareness


Digital signage displays usually act as a promotional form of media, driving traffic and boosting the awareness of a particular brand. For instance, you can show the following on the retail LED display to boost brand credibility and awareness:


  • Promotional content that has your brand colors
  • Brand message, beliefs, aspirations, and values
  • Recent meaningful involvements
  • Educating clients about the history of your brand
  • Success stories and achievements


The digital signage can be placed at the entrance of the store, the waiting rooms, window displays, or throughout the store. This way, potential and existing clients can easily connect with your brand, which means you’ll be able to raise awareness effectively.


2.Maximization of ROI Through Right Timing


Digital signage usually delivers dynamic content at the right time and place. Time is money, and it is also hard to come by opportunities. Using the right digital signage software, you can update contacts anytime. The changes you’ll make will be updated within minutes; this way, you can cut down on the time and cost of replacing the entire printing sign. You may also formulate new marketing campaigns depending on the data you have access to so that you can utilize the majority of the opportunities coming your way, maximizing the ROI.


3.Increased Dwell Time


The dwell time is the time a prospective client normally spends when passing by your store. If they spend a significant amount of time at your store, there is a high chance that they will make a purchase. The digital screens will increase customer engagement by displaying relevant content, which may include suggestions for different products or details about promotions and offers.


Case Studies: Unilumin LED Solution for Retail Stores


Some of the Unilumin LED solution case studies include:


Riyadh Season


The product was a UfixII8/10, Uslim-O03, Kslim2.9, with a screen size of 7000㎡. During the Riyadh season, this was deemed to be one of the largest entertainment scenes in Saudi Arabia, and it was a measure to promote social and economic diversity. By combining numerous LED displays, the Unilumin Group managed to transform the city into an immersive venue, and the Riyadh season also became an extraordinary audio-visual feast.


Combining 7000 square meters of LED displays and naked-eye 3D creative content, Unilumin Group successfully turns the city into an immersive venue and Riyadh Season into an extraordinary audio-visual feast.


Calvin Klein Store


The product was a Kslim3.9 and the screen size was 6.25 sqm. The location where the LED display was installed was Indonesia. Calvin Klein was looking for a display production that looks great and also aligns well with the brand. The main focus was on ensuring the display offered flexibility and was also easy to service and Unilumin met the demands of Calvin Klein. The LED signage now stands out in the mall and it engages the target audience effectively and quickly.


New Retail will Create an Incremental Market for LED Industry


The concept of "new retail" was first proposed by the chairman of Alibaba, Ma Yun at the 2016 Alibaba Apsara Conference. This new concept is now widely accepted. The industry generally believes that consumption upgrades have promoted the rise of new retail. 


Traditional brick-and-mortar retail builds beautiful stores and shopping malls and provides customers special sentiment with quality products, courteous service, as well as environmental space, lighting, and beauty placement. However, such a scenario has been over-commercialized for decades. 


The same experience is increasingly less attractive for consumers. Therefore, the scene creation with the large LED screen as the display terminal has begun to be loved by more and more people. 


Besides, with the development of small pitches, and the interaction with infrared, VR, AR, 3D, and human-screen interaction technology, LED display technology can better play its natural advantages such as seamless stitching and creative modeling in the new retail field, and it will certainly become the favorite in the new retail field. As Jobs said, "You are always looking for technology based on business scenarios." LED displays want to further develop in the new retail field, but also need to improve the product according to the market's terminal needs.




The Trends of Retail LED Displays


In the near future, the terminal display scene will focus on experience, interaction, and planning. Additional cross-border elements will need to be introduced into the retail LED display scene with the sole aim of meeting the emotional needs of the clients for planning and personalization purposes. First, real-time interactions are the main reason why retail LED displays are here to stay. Through digital interactions, it is possible to strengthen the interaction between the audience and the screen.


The LED displays can also collect and analyze data. Such capabilities are essential in the retail sector. Using advanced forms of technology, placing the audience accurately can ensure the LED displays are more humane and smarter. More manufacturers are also manufacturing LED displays that can process data; they ensure there is a detection and recognition system that can help draw accurate crowd portraits. It is also possible to determine how appealing an ad is to the audience based on the time they spend looking at it. Technically, the LED displays are here to stay, and with numerous innovations, they will have additional capabilities over time.


In the future, the innovation of the terminal display scene under new retail should focus on "planning, interaction, and experience", and the scene should be injected with more cross-border elements to meet the consumer's emotional needs for personalization and planning. Experience can be diversified to renew commercial space and vibe. The LED screen has become a window for communicating customers' recognition of the value of shopping malls and products. 


First, the real-time live interactive experience is the realistic path for LED display products to enter new retail. Our LED display industry has already begun to use digital interaction to strengthen the interaction between the screen and the audience and has created many successful cases​. For example, McDonald's uses the real-time data of the Meteorological Bureau on the LED large screen combined with its products to do weather forecasting. Other examples include LED display with AR fitting function, many "have-a-scan" games on large screens, live-streaming and so on. 


Second, LED display products able to do data collection and analysis are the most important requirements for new retail. Using advanced data technology and accurate audience placement can make LED display products smarter and more humane. 



Accordingly, many manufacturers are now launching LED display products or solutions with data processing functions, such as installing a detection and recognition system on LED large screens, drawing accurate crowd portraits through detection, and obtaining specific data through analysis. Some cloud platforms can even draw the ads' appeal to the audience based on how long the audience spends around the LED screen and the average time spent focusing on the advertisement. 


From retail to new retail, the change goes beyond literally the word new to all the innovation brought by new sales scenarios, new connections between businesses and consumers, and new display technologies. The future retail store is no longer just a storefront, but someplace like an art museum, inviting people to walk into a multi-dimensional world. What is enjoyed transcends the original conception of shopping to a status of that as a dual enjoyment of material and spirit. 


The "New retail" is a brand-new revolution in the retail industry and a great opportunity for the LED display industry. It unfolds a new era of art in the field of retail display. As the new trend of new retail is gaining greater momentum, conventional LED display products could no longer satisfy people's experience in the future. Only LED display manufacturers who continue to innovate and value end-customers' experience can become pioneers in the era of new retail.